On November 27 HRH Crown Prince Haakon was updated on Sahara Forest Project. CEO Joakim Hauge presented the developments since the Crown Prince attended the Sahara Forest Project seminar in Jordan. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB Scanpix
His Royal Highness The Crown Prince visited Bellona Foundation’s headquarter in Oslo, Norway, to get the most recent news about climate change and solutions. Joakim Hauge, CEO of The Sahara Forest Project, was invited to present the latest updates on Sahara Forest Project.
HRH learns about Sahara Forest Project
First time HRH Crown Prince Haakon of Norway learnt about The Sahara Forest Project was in April 2012 at a high level seminar in Jordan presenting the findings of The Sahara Forest Project’s feasibility studies.
On November 27 2014 CEO Joakim Hauge presented the development of The Sahara Forest Project, including the Qatar pilot results which exceeded expectations and how the Sahara Forest Project is ready for roll-out in Jordan. The Crown Prince visited Sahara Forest Project’s headquarter in Oslo and met members of The Sahara Forest Project team.

Sahara Forest Project in Jordan
On the invitation from HM King Abdullah II of Jordan, The Sahara Forest Project has initiated the process to build a Sahara Forest Project Centre in the Aqaba region.
The objective is to create green jobs, knowledge transfer and local value creation through sustainable production of food, water and clean electricity while revegetating desert areas.
With financial support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs a set of Feasibility Studies for the roll out of the Sahara Forest Project in Jordan was conducted in close cooperation with more than 60 experts from local and international academia, business and civil society. The results of the studies are very promising, identifying Jordan as a prime location for the project based on its excellent solar, climatic and topographic conditions, as well as being a country in dire need for increased water, food and energy security.
On the 22nd of June 2014 The Sahara Forest Project signed an agreement with The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Amman for establishing a Sahara Forest Project Launch Station and related activities in Jordan. This facility is the first step to construct a full sized Sahara Forest Project Centre. Funding for the Sahara Forest Project Launch Station is provided by the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, represented by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Amman, together with The Grieg Foundation and other philanthropic sources.

Meetings with the king of Jordan
The Sahara Forest Project was first presented to His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan in 2010. In 2011, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority and The Sahara Forest Project in Amman, Jordan. The MoU includes that the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority will facilitate 20 ha for the Jordan Centre and 200 ha for possible later expansion.
Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Haakon Magnus and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway visited Jordan last month. The main purpose of the trip was to shed light on the difficult situation for Syrian refugees and on the burden that the Syrian crisis and the regional turmoil are inflicting on Jordan. Their Royal Highnesses ended their visit to Jordan with a lunch with His Majesty King Abdullah II at The Royal Palace in Amman.